Cayin HA-3A compact, high power tube headphone amp. Beautiful design with all black gloss faceplate, body and black removable tube cage, gold finish accents and vu-meters with white backlighting. Black finish.
Hand built featuring point to point wiring, with practical features to extend the life of the tubes and the amp, like 60 second start up delay and tube preheating.
Perfect for someone with multiple headphones, the HA-3A features 3 outputs: 6.35mm SE, 4.4mm low power / low noise for earphones and a XLR high power output for full size headphones.
There are three switches on the front panel to select the input, headphone output and the impedance range: Low / Mid / High.
There is no line out or preamp feature, it is a headphone amp only. Ultra compact design for easy placement on a desktop. Beautiful audio quality with a wide range of headphones and a very modern sounding tube amp - you get the benefit of a lovely sounding mid-range but with a fast and detailed presentation. This is not a stereotypical soft, super smooth tuning.
Cayin HA-3A Specs:
You could spend more but why would you. Head to head vs a $4500 headphone amp in house the Cayin is my preference for sound. The feature set on the Cayin for the price is everything you could want. XLR/RCA input. 3 different OHM settings. Quarter inch and 4 pin XLR headphone jacks. Tube rectified power. Wow.
This is my first ever tube amp which is very different than all the SS amp I've been using for years. I should of bought a tube amp before. Thanks headphone bar. The quality is outstanding